
I’ve been doing really well lately with my workouts and diet and I can finally see some results. Although I do have cravings, I am pretty adament not to cave in to them. Have you noticed the only difference between crave and cave is the R. 😉

One thing I have changed in my eating though is the amount of fats I eat. I have upped it almost 100% and I can notice a big difference. Not only in my energy level but also on the way my weight is dropping. I’ve also upped my calories from around 1200 to about 15-1600. Protein level is still high but my carb count (and I eat A LOT of veggies) is around 30-35 gr per day. I train at least once a day and on my rest days (Friday and Sunday) I only take walks with the dog. So far I have dropped 3,3 kg in 2,5 weeks. Granted the first week it was mostly water weight, but damn it feels good anyway. The pounds have snuck their way in there again and I got comfortable with eating a little bit here and a little bit there. Nope. Not anymore! And no, it’s not EASY to get up at 5:15 in the morning to go for a run and then do some strength workouts at home, all before going to work. And no it’s not easy to say NO to those yummy afternoon snacks my colleagues or boss gets for all of us to munch on. And no it’s not easy weighing and calculating EVERYTHING that passes my lips. But yes, I’m loving the reward. And the photo I’ve posted with this blog entry is now attached to my fridge because it keeps me focused. A healthy life is what I want. A fitter body is what i want. Sometimes it’s a challenge, but if it wouldn’t be, then it wouldn’t change me. When you pray for strength, you get tested in order to show you’ve got the strength. Nothing comes for free. You’ve got to work for it. And the reward is so much sweeter in the end!

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